Locate Your Lost Android Phone with this free App
An App to let You find Your Phone when on Silent mode. Wow!
Thats right “Where’s My Droid” app can help you locate your mobile phone when you have left it on silent mode either in Your office desk between those million papers or in a party lying under tons of coats. Its truly best when you have misplaced it in your own room and remember it just when you are leaving ‘late’ for your class
How does it work: It has dual functions, as in GPS for losing your phone in a place you don’t remotely recollect leaving it and also in case you have misplaced it in that very special place, where you are so desperately trying to remember.
Case1: You’ve misplaced your dear mobile phone leaving it in silent mode somewhere close-by, you can send a text message to your phone and the app will increase the volume of your ringer to 100% and then ring for 30 seconds, 60 seconds, one minute or five minutes as enabled by you to help you locate it easily in the app settings.
Case2: You have no clue, where your phone is. Text your phone and receive the GPS co-ordinates and a link to Google Map displaying location of your mobile phone. (The catch is, you would need to leave your GPS on all the time)
You can change the SMS text settings which when sent to your mobile phone activates the awesome functions of the app.
Default is set to “Wheres my droid” & “GPS my droid”. You can change it to something that you would remember easily but would not be too obvious for anyone planning to misuse the same.
You also have an option where you can set a ‘pass-code’ to these settings to keep the secret ‘SMS text words’ secure.
Android Phone users can check out this app “Where’s my droid?” ~ Click here
With this app, be a little more secure while on the go.
Have fun!
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this is super cool.
Thanks Rahul