Top Online (Technology & Marketing ) Updates for 2010:
We are in for a brand new beginning very soon with 2011 just around the corner. So we thought we would bring together some of the most important updates, wonderful freebies, free tools for Marketing online, Brand management guides, ideas & more with design trends with some power strategies using some of the most influencing websites of 2010 (Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, WordPress, foursquare)
Social Media Marketing
This was probably the biggest entry into the online media space in the last three to five years. In the year 2010 Social Media Marketing services have seen a fabulous response owing to the measurable rate of returns, process of marketing brand & monitoring them at the same time with great control and making the most needed aspect of online media space possible ie.
Connecting with the user & engaging them to interact with the brand.
Social Media Marketing made possible the entry of Social Media Quotient as a power packed marketing research and management tool for Brands & Organizations today for the Company Board & Management to take this tool more seriously than ever. The power of blogs using applications like WordPress has been wonderful for brands using the platform with the right set of technique and skills too.
Simple reasons: Its more measurable than your regular emailer campaigns, web banner ads, online reviews & a routine ad words campaign as it brings together all those metrics to measure consumer interaction, customer feedback & insights and gives you the ability to constantly improvise at a very affordable online marketing campaign cost.
Most importantly, customized social media marketing campaigns today make it possible to deliver realistic goals to clients for their brand, products and services and at the same time blend in traditional media with new age media tools across various platforms.
Massive developments in 2010:
Social Media Marketing & Monitoring tools gifted the power to combine traditional media with new power tools for online marketing research and management and at the same time gave the power to combine mobile integrated social media marketing campaigns to further leverage the power of todays growing mobile internet users across platforms.

Android Powering Technology today Socially
Also the impact of Android based applications into the mobile space made it a fun experience for users to leverage the connect and for the Organizations, more reasons to make their presence online much more powerful and essential.
Power of Blogs with wonderful plugins from WordPress related application websites made using Blogs more than just a place to voice out opinions but also to get wonderful and sincere customer feedback and loyal readers for life for brands leveraging the power of rich content with them through this medium.
With more and more applications from mobile related tools like from the iPhone, Blackberry, Amazons Kindle, iPad & Android going SOCIAL the availability of these online marketing tools is only going to see massive boost in the year 2011.
How to Leverage:
Connect with Your consumers by Humanizing your brand. Social Media Marketing is a well planned process that can be customized across industries to also adapt to cross cultural environments across countries if well planned, designed, implemented and measured. So its very important to use the right set of tools to not only increase market penetration but also to monitor and safeguard your brand online constantly and improvise for best results.
Brand Monitoring
This has been one of the most important part of a Social Media Marketing campaign this year as the more one talks about your brand, care needs to be taken with the quality of conversations too. Its always better to have a 1,000 loyal quality followers than a million discussing or posting content that is harmful for your brand in the long run if left uncontrolled as part of the online conversations.
So make sure you have powerful ways to leverage your Online CRM to converse with your brand and customer connect across multiple platforms with great quality and damage control.
Creative Design styles
The year 2010 saw a very unique side of design styles appreciated by consumers. The stress from Brands and customers online this year was much less on “just design” and much higher on usability and ease of sharing content using that design style. For eg. HTML emerged victorious compared to any other web design application and platforms for the ease to leverage powerful SEO campaigns and flexibility to connect much larger suite of applications as part of the web design and style process. The year 2011 would be thus much largely about:
Layout style: Simple and user friendly
Design style: In tune with Users needs to share content easily
Design technique: Users seem to be much less demanding in terms of core design as before and seem to be stressing originality in layouts with simplicity to converse in todays online marketing conversation prism. So the design technique has to be definitely the one in 2011 that can let each user be a real-time Brand Ambassador for any product, services or Organization and at the same time be rewarded in a way or the other. (For some FREE Tutorials & Step by Step Guide for creating Creatives using Adobe Photoshop – Connect here)

IMPORTANT Guides & Tips for a Powerful Connect across Industries Online Using the Power of Social Media:
Simple Ideas, Guides to do more with Your Brand today:
- Retail Industry:
Fashion, style statement, pictures, latest trends & designs, users votes on new arrivals, customer feedback and Brand mentions about your line of design accessories: If all of these make sense to you as a Retail brand then what you need are simple engaging conversations customized & controlled as part of creative marketing ideas for your online customer today.
- Banking Industry:
More than a conversation online, more than a social media influence, what you need is a control of your brand mentions negative influences about your services, industry and products from your customers grieving & irate online. They can make or break your brand as we are talking about Your products and services that are directly dealing with your customers hard earned money. So make sure you have a strong Social Media connect online and at the same time have conversations that can “generate” comments and interactions from your customers especially in case of new product launches for Small and medium scale business, Youth and the high investing clients. You need your Social Media campaigns to reach beyond your average conversations and metrics to be completely planned and customized to meet your needs across various demographics and it needs to be well executed too.
- Hospitality Industry:
That’s a rush, literally. The fast paced hospitality industry has customers across every possible age group and its never too late to get someone love your cuisine irrespective of your culture, history and style of food. All people need are flavors with a great dining experience that takes them away from their homes for that hour or so. The experience needs to be “connecting” while the food, something that would make your customer feel, I am getting value for every single dime that I have spent here. For this, not only do you need continuous feedback from your customers, but you need them to mention about your product online across platforms of twitter, review sites, food dining experience, location based target marketing spaces where people searching for good food can be connected with and their attention drawn towards your food experience. They need to be aware of and constantly rewarded for their brand mention and sharing experiences when they talk well about your products online and at the same time catered to and not tried to be pushed into talking well about your brands. Its food, they need to feel the flavors and the love while dining at your restaurant. That’s exactly what an online Social Media Marketing experience should help you gather for them.
Some simple & yet powerful sites where we have leveraged wonderful responses for Our Clients Products & Services & Brands:
Facebook (Make sure you Use FBML, Facebook Applications, HTML too with your creative marketing techniques – For Queries email us: )

Linkedin: Purely for a Corporate Connect and reaching across Industries to leverage more than just a simple product / brand connection

Twitter: Brand Reach, Brand Monitoring, Product Market Penetration and More. This is undoubtedly one of the most essential powerhouses of Online Conversation prism today. Interested in a Customized Twitter Tool Updates & Techniques for Your Brand to have a larger reach – email us at:

Foursquare: The most impactful location based target marketing application which can do wonders for Your Brand, Product And services if used optimally. For a customized Location based target marketing campaign write to us at:

For a Completely Integrated & Customized Social Media Marketing & Brand Monitoring Campaign with Creatives & a powerful blogging platform for your Products & services – Write to us at:
If you would like to hear more from us about connecting with customers across Industries for various other industries for whom we have tried, tested and succeeded in generating positive SMM impact and the desired goals as put forth from our clients , feel free to tweet with us at: Techdivine on Twitter & OR Connect with Us On Our Facebook Page: Techdivine Creative Services & or write to us at:
We are connecting and have catered for the following industries so far:
FMCG, Banking, Industrial, Infrastructure, Hospitality, Trading & Broking, MLM, Educational, IT, Retail, Advertising Agencies, Art Galleries & NGO’s.
Hope you have a wonderful 2011 filled with millions of quality connect and growth with the power of Marketing using new age and traditional media to leverage and connect with each and every user of yours, both ONLINE and OFFLINE.
Happy connecting. Have a wonderful year ahead.
Thanks & Regards
Ananthanarayanan V
Founder & CEO
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[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by socialmedianads and others. socialmedianads said: RT @socialmediasmq: Top #socialmedia #Online #Marketing Updates of 2010 #Technology #Brand #Monitoring #techdivine […]
What a list of fantastic resources.
Very good post and your website is the best
Ashar from Luxury
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