Blogs replace Magazines with Social Media Marketing

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That would be a powerfully misquoted statement, especially in today’s “give them all” technology served new age media world.
I recently read somewhere of the statement above and was utterly confused. Today the digital age and new media are here to work collaboratively and give every consumer what they are looking out for.
Let us look at two scenarios based on a B2B and B2C with a practical approach and perspective.
A top class executive from a big corporation today will prefer to go through the sites online probably during his lunch break of which he might have allotted his daily ‘surfing’ time to be not more than 5-10 minutes which too is on the higher side. Having worked at different levels of marketing & product departments with Directors, Presidents and departmental heads of MNC’s and corporate biggies, this is the one thing that I am extremely sure about. Here too their rigid schedule is made up of email alerts added to their daily dose of reading related to their industry and market so that they do not spend time searching online. Their schedule revolves around a set time every single day. Time is everything. Today we find them working while traveling to and fro from work in their automobiles. Yet, we find the subscription to corporate & industry based magazines being the highest from their group.
Why? Because underestimating the power of print is pure ignorance of the true power of real connect and reach.
Now looking at the second scenario & coming back to the daily consumer by shifting away from the corporate board room. The average consumer today feels comfortable looking at a print magazine at his time of leisure. As a matter of fact, we tend to ignore any ad based pop-up and flashy banners that ‘surf-up’ during our browsing time. Another point to look and give a deep thought is the power of the print media even today especially in third world and developing countries.
The chances of an average consumer looking at a print ad in a magazine and then browsing about it online are much higher than vice versa.
The age of technology & new media have also pushed across boundaries of providing one with massive information across industries. Today, I spend on an average reading about nine to ten thousand (10,000) pages of content and news information every single week across media’s. Still there is so much updating needed.
With all of these factors, the right way to reach a consumer today, be it a B2B or a B2C consumer is by blending in the traditional media with the new age technology and providing both to the consumer. A magazine today has much stronger power in communicating a message than a blog to an average household as it reaches and is delivered in hard copy in their hands. It adds up a trust about the company, about the team of professionals associated with the organization and gives one a form of assurance about the organization being real and not just another virtual company with a work from home concept who would be handling your brand or product.
The idea to cater to both the scenarios today would be to add a healthy amount of resourceful information in your magazine for local demographic distribution and use the power of online media for a much larger field zone with more content and resources.
As a generation gifted with the power of speed & timely information it is our core duty to today combine all that we can and leverage it to fulfill the needs of the advertiser and at the same time serve as a catalyst who not only evangelizes a brand but also caters to the consumer’s needs.
Blog rules, sites dominate, social networking is growing massively, but the power of a media tool works best when you have both the traditional media and the new age technology combined as one.
Make sure when you hand over your product or brand to any agency that they are not just another technically sound organization promising a higher seo for website and analysis, but understand the market, consumers and have a powerful presence too in the web today. Make sure to know if they themselves practice what they preach and if they do, they would have a much better chance to deliver than anyone else.
Go local, get global and stay connected. But most importantly make sure that in the race to reach a client across seas we do not miss out on a prospect next door who needs the same set of services too.
Go BRAND Yourself!
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[…] Blogs replace Magazine:Or is it? […]