There were bubbles floating all around. My eyes awakened to very beautiful glimmering rays of the sun. Strangely it was still blurry contrast to the sun one will always get to look at.
I could see clearly the huge ball of fire way above but it looked though as if, it was covered in a filament of thin highlights. As I kept noticing the bubble around me, my feet brushed off against something that felt like plants, reef & coral.
That’s when I realized the clear highlight was the stunning crystal clear ocean water. Yes, I was under this amazingly stunning looking colorfully lit sea.
I do not know how I got there. But I was comfortable. I swam around to reach to the top but oddly the more closer I was trying to get to the top of the ocean the deeper I seemed to be getting & closer to the ocean bed.
I swam around and I saw things that took my breath away.
I saw an amazingly gorgeous coral reef, filled with colours of gold, orange, pink, green and lots of blue.
The tiny leaves springing from it looked more beautiful as a lovely golden brown sea horse danced out from it. It was followed by this gorgeous little plant or flower or fish, I just cant figure out, right behind the sea horse, it came close to me and I could sense it almost breathing. It had transparent petals, it had violet spots on the edges of its base which looked like the base of a lotus as even underwater the ‘thing’ seemed untouched by water. As it swam across my face it made me turn and I just moved myself really fast as this humungous sea turtle floated its worries away.
I was staring at these beauties when suddenly of the darkness of this abyss a sudden gleam hit my face & I was reminded of my life back home. It was the sun, telling me to move up and come back to the light.
I moved up once more just avoiding the snap of a jelly fish which looked totally annoyed with the purple – yellow colored tiny starfish floating around it constantly avoiding touching it.
My smile got more silent as I saw this huge bream of varied fishes of amazing size and colours and unbelievable shapes swimming across. I just gasped and I looked up to see the twinkling eyes of the sea otter staring at me from the rays of the sun which was now shining brightly again. I saw and I pushed and was coming out of the water & just then, my alarm rang.
It was 5:30am. I had to get ready for my exams today. Yeah, that’s right.
I guess I was so overweighed with the thought of exams, I felt deeply pushed underwater again.
But I guess, it told me something beautiful and lovely.
It told me, that even if I was under the ocean, in a place where I did not belong, I would adapt, I would push and I would survive back with lots of experiences and lots of learning and with great beauty even if so, from even the abyss of the ocean bed.
Have a great day!
~~~There’s always hope,
even with chaos around
there’s always beauty
even with guilt that’s found
there’s always a lesson
in the abyss so dark & red
And you will always survive
even in the ocean bed
whenever you feel lost
look up, look up to the shining sun
‘coz then even the blurry hues
are made to fade away and run……
All in a dream…………. Stay with hope!
Image Source: WIKI
Very well written Ananth
a few lines of my own
As the sands flow in the glass of time
Many moments go dull and many more shine
Even the dull moments have a silver line
It is the hope of the next moment shine
Keep writing and inspiring
This ones full of energy.