I recently read an article about the lavish, partying and rocking life of mallus and tam brams (Of course I am being sarcastic).
The mail was hilarious. It spoke of the heritage names and remorseful work timings and really sad social life’s that “we” southies, live as routine.
I would like to disagree to it. Probably all the mail needed was a good laugh but when I received the same mail with a comment saying, “It’s so true”. I kept contemplating & pondering over the comment. (Ya, I know I could have just quoted there “I kept thinking instead of pondering” but I had this sudden urge to use big words as most readers of this post at this time would be southies sitting in offices as the Gujus, Panjus and other baniyas would be busy planning the evening for the day & also I needed to show off. Oh come on, Vocabulary is all I got). Anyways, read on…..
I think life’s a lot different than a mere southie’s routine mockery. Its, well….. hmmmmm… how do I put this, …….it’s complicated.
Yes, even for those tam brams & mallus who have at least till date not ended up with love marriages (southies love marriages, wonderful usually. They are mostly with the same caste, community, the “gotram” needs to be different, carefully chosen, selected, discussed, horoscopes matched & agreeable to both parties, parents, relatives, neighbors whose opinions are equally important as a background check would also have happened of the couples, ahem)
Why even bother calling it a love marriage mate? I think this whole process has taken more time than actual courting. So where’s the romance. Naaah!
Can’t blame the poor chap though. How often does he anyway get to claim having gotten to get someone fall in love with him or at least remotely agree to him. After all, he must also have taken pains and been patient & careful enough to get across his job profile, designation, job security, mutual funds investment, idea of his probable salary, his investment plan, housing loan amount etc & such other details to the fairer sex and then woo her. Wow! How did I forget, qualifications here. Ya. That too. Phew! So that’s about a year till that time. & yes, he is a double MBA / Masters… Again, why?
Also, the south indian girl realizes that this dude, can I call this male human neatly oiled hair category, a dude, please, please… please let me Thanks …. Well so as ammai, appa & other family members would also agree and she is also sure to be with someone who can and has a stable job (remember, Home loans, mutual funds & PF – I am sure she also must have noted down the possible savings he must be making annually after tax deductions). & wow, how did I also forget, the guy has to be 5’8” at least. Why? Just make the criteria 6feet then. What is it, an oomph factor!
I just don’t get it, may be partly because I am not 5’8” but still. Why?
Why the criteria, at least “ “.
Is it like, if the calculatedly fallen in love couple get troubled by a dude, is this tall or taller guy gonna tap the tip of the other guys head before he succumbs down or faints (people who eat only curd rice, dosa & rasam chadham(rice) get bruised more easily, you see)
Anyway, it does not make any sense.
So the planned, arranged but loving couple say, the hell with love at first sight. We have taken into consideration all the factors that may or may not suit both of us. Now we will make this work, the girl says it with confidence. Yes, they are going to revolt and rebel, against … hmmm…. Against cruelty to animals. Lets not get offtrack, what else will they revolt to, how can they upset ammai & appa and family & friends and did I mention neighbours.
Little does she know that the tam bram / mallu dude might have even comp up with a probable percentage of risk involved in this relationship (he might just tell the statistics if pressurized, but I am sure he would have also made a pie chart of this analysis probably in SPSS software).
Anyways, with the money that both make, they can afford many such revolting romantic SRK movies on DVD at their 2/3 BHK homes that is of course only after both of them have finished reading their book / novel for the day (reading is very important for our cult, that shows we are educated and belong to a different class & category of people). Educated & class, I dun’t know, but different category…. Oh, I am so sure about that.
Ya, we southies need to have stacks of books at home from Crosswords & Strand book stall, nothing pirated. It has to be purchased for the original price. Hell, we even have hardback cover books. We don’t read it all, but those books are usually kept closest to the ‘Big glass’ door of the library at home for the world to see. What world, which girl is going to come to a southie dudes home first of all and even if she does, and the sweet dude shows off his massively huge and BIG, collection of books, trust me my friend, she is never coming back. So make sure & mark my words carefully, do not lend your books to her, she is never, ever coming back. Lets continue.
We have overgrown TV sets, but we make sure we put on our social networking sites status, “Don’t watch TV”, What? Why? Is it like a crime? I love watching TV & I grew up fine. Ahem! Let’s not get into the details here. Lets read on…
So now do you realize why these mails tickle our funny bones. ‘coz only the Truth shall finally set you FREE!
Also, did I forget to mention, unless we learn to accept ourselves how can we…. How can we…. How can we face god in the morning during sandhyavandanam…. J Have fun
Yes, yes. My name runs over 50 letters…….. so I am not writing it. Vaise bhi, mera naam to suna hoga!
Do tell me your views…..
Keep posting more write -ups like these … the tone of satirical humor used here is surely applaudible
A very refreshing write-up ..
Kepp Writing
Dear Writer
Thanks for all the valued, sarcastic vocabulary you used to acknowledge readers with South Indian way of living, their thinking but if you seriously ponder on that I hope you can visualize another face of the lifestyle.
In our country, INDIA very well known for its culture, heritage as we move on from North to South, East to West you will notice 95% of these things common but obviously in somewhat different way at every place which is having only one root cause that is of regional difference, climatic conditions, difference of languages but for that you need to have that micro level analysis and understanding of the things. And mind it we enjoy these differences with each other and cherish our way of living.
It’s really appreciable that southies sit in offices when the Gujus, Panjus and other baniyas are busy planning the evening for the day since its globally known fact “southies are famous for their workaholic nature” since they are passionate about the things they do and they spend that level of time in selecting the things for them. But it’s also serious that they should know the basics of Entertainment since life looses its flavor in absence of that.
“Marriage” commonly used word for a ceremony which gives right to two persons to live together everywhere across the globe but when we think about India, Indian culture it is one of the most time consuming and selective process in every family since we spent quality time for selecting the person who is going to enter our family and will become part of it and will be responsible to carry our culture, Heritage to our future generation. We believe in peace, harmony and moving in society together. This is the only reason, why Indian Marriages still sustain the maximum pressures and famous for its life long duration, we are still not in a phase to accept the term “Divorce” since we still believe in holding that persons hand whole life in all the “crest and troughs of life”. Still across the Globe everyone astonishes on our commitments with our life partner.
I would also like to share with you that in India in every family whatever Caste, Creed, Region is there still “love Marriage” is not an easily acceptable term and that is the only reason that even today every girl/boy will hesitate to thinks a lot before speaking about love marriage.
But still it’s not a crime to think about Love Marriage but you should know to respectfully place you thinking and feeling in front of your parents (atleat they should know different phase of your emotional aspects) and let them decide the best for your life since they only can decide it for ward, no body want to hurt feeling of others at least in India. It depends on convincing and commitment of both the persons toward the relationship.
We Indian spent ample amount of time for finalization of marriage in selecting caste, community, “Gotram” matching horoscopes, and going through background check why? Are we so much free to spend that level of time when life is running with so many crises?
It’s having a very deep insight and futuristic approach of our forefathers that they have created this process to scrutinize life partner. Astrology is a very calculated science which gives a superficial idea about behavior, attitude and person’s future which reflects his / her compatibility in the family and why it should not happen? When a foreign particle enter our body we start sneezing , coughing and irritated then when a new person is entering our family why should we not spent that time in selecting him. The way life styles and living term of youth is changing at this point of time background check is always a must to access sustainability of relationship.
I also wish to tell you that Indians Girls and boys still not decide their matches by going through height , education , earnings , savings and various other criteria since it’s not a legal commitment to live together to fulfill their financial desire by a good looking life partner. Still in India we look for a sustainable match, equally educated matched for suitable compatibility, sustenance and only thing which never gets satisfied equal level of mutual understanding .Our relation survives, since we are groomed with that patience, love and culture and seen our parents facing life in every phase of life with each other only thing which matters is feelings for each other.
Most important thing When we move for financial satisfactions “relation never survive” and its India where Saving habit are always in our blood which was only reason we survived and were least affected from economic recessions , it’s a different scene that Indian companies used it for their capitalization. If some body is looking for such type of life partner I really suggest to make him financial advisor in comparison to life partner and sharing his contact number with others also “kisi ka to bhala ho hi jayega”
It’s really hard to stop but …………………….
Please don’t take these things sarcastically but acknowledge our generation with the right way of living and putting thing in front of others and listen to your heart, we are blessed we are Indians and if we are not able to do that who else will do it?
Hi Karishma
Thanks for your comments. Keep reading
Hi S.Jain
Really appreciate your long & thought over comments. The idea was to add a bit of humor in every part of the “southies” so called routine. It was and is never personal. But will take into consideration all the things mentioned form your end too.
Thanks for your long comment.
Keep reading
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