Career proofing: Flying High! on clouded skies
An amazing 4 hour midnight telephonic conversation and I conclude, I am not made up for phone talk!
I then realized, I did it anyway so may be change IS in the air.
Not trying to jump hoops here. Just getting and catching up with the current market scenario.
Had a wonderful conversation with two very different individuals yesterday which made me blog into ‘The blog is personal again’ section. Both were frustrated & discouraged with their jobs, one had resigned and one was dying to resign. Both had remarkably unique points of view to share on the current scenario.
The one who was free from both income and ‘immediate-earlier’ stress spoke with sheer self-belief of the current industry trend of no / poor job & career opportunities.
I asked him, “How did you take this step then, if the industry is so bad?” He said “I resigned ‘coz the industry is awful anyways, so there is no immediate scale for professional growth in our organization. Whatever be your performance, you would be tagged in with the millions as far as recession in industry goes. So when you know the industry is bad, even the sector that’s doing well refuses to grow or accept growth, so why not resign and start a venture of my dream?”
My long silence, made the optimistically high and free being to continue and add, “When I know what I do for others is not going to get me anywhere, I might as well try to do it for me. If it does not work, I anyway have the industry to blame, its recession everywhere and so if not now, then when?”
I smiled, wished him the best of success and loads of positive morale which he would need whether or not his ‘venture’ clicks.
The other individual still bound by rules, corporate policies and frustrations from one’s superior was very clear, “it’s not a good time to leave. Let’s think about changing careers when the industry does well. I can’t sleep with peace, but can at least pay my daily bills without having to plan or think. What say?”
I had nothing to say, I just nodded.
I realized I have become too patient listening to people. Well, at least one good personal skill I added this year I guessed. But, then I just put forth both queries and pointers together:
- The industry is anyways bad; why not venture into something new. One can change careers when the industry is good or doing great, we would have better professional career opportunities.
- The industry is bad. Now, it’s time to just stay putt and follow with the crowd. When nothing works, at least your bills are still getting paid!
Then I felt, I would ask all of you…. What say? What would you choose? What is your take on this?
Give me your views on the same.
Image Source: ANVCLICKS
hi, im going thru a kind of frustrating job syndrome myself, my very close friend resigned to start his very own agency, but unfortunatly things did not work out for him, reason: recession off course!
but the question is how long can u stay stuck in a rut.
you have two option either liberate your self and then face the music…
or continue to dance along the music, and have your monthly bills taken care off.
its a catch 22 situation, now this is where your understanding of the market comes into play…
if you sure of no professional growth, you also need to understand that starting something new may no work out.
i honestly do not know what to do, but i have been thinking on the same lines…
any one else has a solution?
Hi sakshi,
Very true.
The solution to be honest is Go for the dream home run and from practicality is stay putt…. but i guess there is a time in each of our lives where we would go for the home run… what matters is how soon and for HOW LONG WE PURSUE that home run….
i guess thats why there is only one dhirubhai and one narayana murthy!
what say