Get ready to get transformed and how much more cool can it get if you have the power to do that on your wrist?
That’s right the power to transform is now on your wrist. These cool metal robot watches can not only be worn on your wrist but they also pop out of the band to become mini-clocks that you can put on your desk.
The transforming mini-robot timepieces are available from Japan’s Cataloger for Rs. 3,990 (about $35 USD) each.
They have flexible arms and headphones which can be used to hang them from a key chain. Stylish and typical robot feel and look makes the watches majorly sought after wrist watches.
The detail to the design has been so uniquely crafted that would take you to the time of robots and gadgets that were timid yet powerful. The metallic color and distinct bolts gives it a more aesthetic appeal for its unique design.
A nice design, with bendable arms, a cool hanging watche, transforming mini robot with nice headphones will definitely pep up your style or should I say, transform your style to a totally new level.