Young Talents – Aishwarya Venkat – Fiction – Onions…..

Why do we cry for the onion?


Many centuries ago, a tomato, a capsicum & an Onion were best friends.

One day, their master felt hungry & was looking out for them. As soon as he saw the tomato his pangs of hunger shot up.


All the three friends tried to flee but the master caught the tomato. He cut it into slices & ate it. The capsicum & Onion started crying for the poor tomato.


Next was the capsicum’s turn & he too was cut into slices & eaten by the master.


The Onion started crying for the capsicum again.


Suddenly, a spirit appeared in front of the Onion & asked him why he was crying.


The Onion said that his friends Tomato & Capsicum had been cut into slices & the Onion had cried for them. Now that he was all alone, there was nobody to feel and share his pain.

When he will be cut into slices, nobody would cry for him. The spirit blessed him & said that anyone who cuts you will from now on cry for you.


So the next time we slice onions, we know why we shed those tears, don’t we?

Aishwarya Venkat

Age:10 years

School Dr. Radhakrishnan


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9 Responses to “Young Talents – Aishwarya Venkat – Fiction – Onions…..”

  1. karishma says:

    hey ,
    O so thts why i cry while cutting onions .. i knew there had to be a reason !!! 🙂
    very sweetly and well written article .. keep writing !!

  2. priya says:

    Such a sweet article…keep writing!!!
    best luck…:)

  3. jorgekafkazar says:

    Okay, I like it. Write some more stories.

    But if you slice the onion under water,

    you won’t cry 🙂

  4. jorgekafkazar says:

    Okay, I like it. Write some more stories.

    But if you slice the onion under water,

    you won’t cry 🙂

  5. jorgekafkazar says:

    Okay, I like it. Write some more stories.

    But if you slice the onion under water,

    you won’t cry 🙂

  6. jorgekafkazar says:

    Okay, I like it. Write some more stories.

    But if you slice the onion under water,

    you won’t cry 🙂

  7. jorgekafkazar says:

    Okay, I like it. Write some more stories.

    But if you slice the onion under water,

    you won’t cry 🙂

  8. jorgekafkazar says:

    Okay, I like it. Write some more stories.

    But if you slice the onion under water,

    you won’t cry 🙂

  9. jorgekafkazar says:

    Okay, I like it. Write some more stories.

    But if you slice the onion under water,

    you won’t cry 🙂

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